Semester 2

Semester 2 has started for almost a week now... I only have 2 subjects this semester... Yes, I am glad that I have only 2 subjects but the subjects that I'll be having will kill me for the next 6 weeks!!

I have MATHS!! MATHS !! How bad can that be? Is Mathematics for Business and Social Science!! I can totally die this semester! =.=" The lecturer is ok... At least I understand what is he trying to explain.. Another lecturer told us (Joe, Uree, Shaki and I) that our maths lecturer is quite an experience lecturer.. At least he knows how to conduct the classes and make us understand what he is teaching... No?

Besides maths, I will also be taking Social Psychology... I have to say that our social psychology lecturer looks like a student! O.O yes! Even her voice sounded like one!! =X But at least, I understand what she is teaching... She is definitely BETTER than our sociology lecturer.. Anyone agree with me? =P

So far the lecturers that we have this semester is not too bad... Hope that it will be like this throughout the semester cuz I need to score this semester! My CGPA can anytime drop to 2.XXXX!! I DON'T want that to happen or I'll be dead.. =S

0 Bla Bla Bla: