
Why do we actually hate someone? There are many reasons to this I should say...

Hate arises when a person whose interests or opinions consistently conflict with the other person. It also means that if A always conflicts with B, A will tend to hate B because of all the conflicts.

Do we really hate that person? I mean, when you say "I hate you", do you really mean it?

Some of us said it out of anger..
Some of us said it just for the sake of saying it and never mean it..
Some of us said it because they really hate that person to the extend that they tell other people how much they hate that particular person..
As for me, i think it is not necessary for you to hate someone which you don't like.. I mean, friends are better than enemies... Right?

To the girl who hates me... this for you,

I know you hate for a reason.. but try putting down all those anger and try talking to me.. It's not like I didn't try talking to you.. I tried.. Is just that you don't want to talk to me.. I know you are feeling really stressed up these few weeks cause your exam is just around the corner, but that doesn't mean that you can let all your anger out on me..

If I am really brainless, I wouldn't be here typing all this things and wouldn't be able to fight for my rights the other time i argued with you.

Let go the hatred against me or everyone else that you hate, you will feel better because by then you will have more friends than before..

Take care =)

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