Dot Dot Dot

Today ...

  • Winnie came back from Singapore!!
  • Went out with Uree, Winnie, Amelia and Jon today for a photography exhibition
  • Got lost with the cab driver trying to find our way to Lorong Gurney
  • The exhibition makes me sad ... there were less than 15 pictures there !! *Do you even call that an exhibition? -_-'' *
  • Stand under the hot sun waiting for the "Rapid"KL bus which took forever to reach
  • Went to Ikano from Kelana Jaya
  • Went to Kim Gary for lunch
  • Took pictures with Uree, Winnie and Amelia *enjoyed editing them =P *
  • Went to Ikea and met Uree's friend * I can't remember his name.. Sorry =S *
  • Sat the LRT all the way back to Sri Petaling and took the cab home
  • Hope and pray that I can sleep tonight

2 Bla Bla Bla:


December 4, 2007 at 4:18 PM

Anand is his name. I had fun...! except for the exhibition part...! Gah!!! Stupid...! muahahahaha =P hehehehe muahksxx


December 4, 2007 at 6:15 PM

Hahaha! Right..
I don't like the exhibition.. Is not even one! =.="