Yes !! It's over !!
I've finally finish my foundation !!
I don't have to step into UTAR PD Block anymore !! (if I pass all my papers this semester =S)
Time really flies... I still remember the first time I stepped into UTAR with no friends there till I met so many friends.. I learned a lot during my days in UTAR.. Something which I've never thought I will learn before this.. (that's cuz they are all arts and not science.. LOL ) Everything was just like yesterday..
Most of my course mates will be going to Kampar.. Which means when class starts, I'll only be able to see a few of them.. But at least, I still get to meet Jolyn for another 1 semester and Uree for another 3 more years.. h0h0.. =P
Anyway, is holiday now.. classes will only start on the 8th of January 08.. That means I still have another few more weeks to do whatever I want before I die in degree.. =S
Well, thats all for now.. Getting bored of blogging.. =X
Ciao !!

2 Bla Bla Bla:


December 20, 2007 at 2:42 PM

Falalalala lalalalaaaaa *goes out of tune* hehehe!



December 20, 2007 at 6:15 PM

Hahaha !!
Out of tune.. Glass all PECAH !! =Pp