If Only You Are Alright

If only you are as healthy as before, I won't feel the way I do now ..
If only you can speak, I won't feel the way I do now ..
If only you are here with me like you always do, I won't feel the way I do now ..

I wish that you will be here all the time like how you have always been throughout the years ..
I wish that you are not suffering because it hurts me even more to see you that way ..
I wish that you do not have to leave even though you are going to a better place ..

Today is a very special because it is the last festival in the lunar calendar before a new year comes ..
For the first time, you are not at home preparing and cooking for the festival ..
For the first time, you are not going to be at the dinner table with the rest of the family members ..
For the first time, this day is going to be different compared to the years before ..

I miss you .. I miss you very much .. And I know, I am going to miss you even more ..

2 Bla Bla Bla:


December 23, 2007 at 1:53 AM

Ping, you know I love you.

And like we have talked about and know, he is going to a better place and will be happy.

Remember the moments you loved and hated. He will always be there with you. You may not see it but you will feel it.

Don't remember him during his passing years but the great moments.

Muahksx. I'm here for you =)


December 23, 2007 at 12:38 PM

Thanks Darling..
Muaks !!