From the tiniest thing that is around me ..
It reminds me of you ..

From things at home .. To the things outside ..
It reminds me of you ..

I don't know since when you've became such an important person in my life ..

I don't know since when you've became so influential ..

I don't know since when you've became a person which I can't live without ..

Maybe I can .. But I guess I've just chosen not to from the start ..
Therefore I can't stand on my own 2 feet ..

I no longer feel happiness ..
Even the happiest thing that happens in my life can never take away the sadness in me ..

I no longer feel that I am who I am .. Who am I now ?
What am I suppose to do to feel the way I used to ?
Where am I? I hate being where I am now .. I wish I will find my way out from this stranded place ..

0 Bla Bla Bla: