I admit I don't have many friends like you do ..
Why do you even bother anyway ?
Is my life ..
I can choose who I want in my life ..
And if that person want or do not want to be in it also have got nothing to do with you ..
But I'll definately not choose you :)
So why do you even bother to know who is in it and who is not ?
Sometimes I just don't understand you ..
I do what I want in my life ..
You do what you want in yours ..
And who say I was talking about you all this while ?
I guess you over reacted a lil bit :)
But nevermind .. You are the way you are :)

2 Bla Bla Bla:

  C R Y S T A L

November 19, 2008 at 3:34 PM

u saying me?


December 3, 2008 at 3:46 PM

Not u ler qq ~