I Don't Know What The Title Should Be

Once again I am confused .
This always happens when you are not by my side .
Why ?
I guess is because I am confused yet afraid .
When I was there today, I asked you one question .
"Who are you texting ?"
Then you replied " Her "
I don't know if you realised that I was upset after that and turned away .
I was really upset .
But when I think of it properly, now that I am nothing to you .
I shouldn't be upset .
I should be happy instead because you are happy with her .
No matter how we will turn out to be in the future, I did hope that you will be happy as always .
I know I disturbed your conversation with her today .
Sorry is all I can say .
I don't know why did you followed me to the hospital today .
Maybe is just to make me happy .
Or maybe because u pitied me .
Whatever reason it is, I don't think is that you love me .
You've never said it since 2 weeks back .
I just hope I get an answer as soon as possible .
I really don't want to be in this kind of situation .
But I don't want you to wait for me to say it out then you tell me what your decisions are .
I just hope everything between all of us will be over as soon as possible .
Now that you have to spend time with both, I don't know who is more important .
I am seriously lost .
I am seriously going crazy for real this time .

0 Bla Bla Bla: