Doesn't mean that every time we argue means that I don't sayang you ..
I still do as always and I know you do as well ..
I might be stubborn at times ..
But I still listen to you ..
I hope you do as well ..
LOL ! I am crapping too much ..
All I want to say is that no matter how much we argue, you are still that someone that no other people can replace .. =)

Tomorrow morning I'll be getting a very nice and pampered feeling again .. =)
Been getting it for the past few days .. Thanks to ChOu ChOu .. =P But now, leg damn tired .. Why ? The safety shoes are so damn freaking heavy and is too big for my leg ! Is like as though I tied a stone onto my leg and drag them along to work .. Sigh .. =(

Pity my leg please .. =(

0 Bla Bla Bla: