Bla ..

Was text-ing a few people today about how I felt today .
Imagine someone suddenly came into your life out of no where and starts thinking that as thought she isn't bothering someone's life. I did thought of letting everything go.
Why ?
Cause that person was being so annoying .
*is not like she is not now. She still is annoying*
Like what I said before , if I were to continue being in this situation that I am in now , I will undergo depression very soon and then I will die drowning in my tears .
Who wants all those things to happen to themselves, right ?
That is why, I've decided on giving up.
Then later I was talking to a friend online .
A friend who I met online which turns out to be a good friend =)
Thank you Summer ~
I was telling her about my problems .
I told her that if I did continue being where I am I am going to be depressed.
Then she said "No.. Not soon .. You are already depressed."
LOL ! Am I really depressed?
Now that I am thinking with my head and not my heart, does this person really worth all my tears.
If she do, why?
Because she came out from no where and causing havoc in my life? I shouldn't be depressed for that miserable person .. No?
But again, I wasn't using my head earlier .
So yeah.. I cried.. =P
Then later while I was curling myself in bed with tears, I wanted to talk to someone.
Just that one.
I waited awhile for the tears to stop.
Then I called.
First thing after I said "Hello" the first sentence which I heard from him was ,
"Why are you crying ?! What happened ?!"

Tears started flowing down my cheek .
Again .
All I answered was ,
"I don't know."
He thought I was hiding things from him .
Then he told me about something which would make me happier .
Then he told me not to think too much and that everything would be fine .
After that call, is like the sun after the rain.
Skies got brighter, sun started shinning.
I felt a lot better after that call.
Thank you.
For the love and comfort.
That's all that I need at that moment. =) <3 you .

0 Bla Bla Bla: