On my way home ..

Today on my way back from my aunt's house after dinner ..

Sis : Looked up at the dark sky and notice blue, red lights blinking and said jokingly .. "JIE !! LOOK !! UFO !! "

Me: Yeah right lah ! UFO your head !!

Sis: Eih ! I am serious lah wei !! Really !! Is really UFO !!

Me: Stop crapping lah !

Sis: REALLYYYYY !! You don't believe you come and see !! FASTER come and SEE !!

Me: *Went towards the window at her side and looked up at the sky*
"Where ? Where ? I don't see anything !!"

Sis: Eh ! Is just an aeroplane ! AHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA ! *laugh loudly*

Me: Stupid lah you ! *went back to my place*

Parents: What happened ? What are you all laughing at ??

Me: That meimei lah ! Simply say she say UFO !

Parents: *laughed LOUDLY*

Sis: What?!?? I was joking at first ! Then later I really thought it is a UFO ! Since when aeroplane has BLUE and RED lights on it !!

Parents & I: *Laughed loudly at my silly sister*

***Mei ah Mei ... You are such a funny person when you are sleepy + blur + stress + I-don't-know-what-else-more ! =P ***

0 Bla Bla Bla: