Went for an interview today ..
The interviewer was not bad ..
He told us (Kree and I) about his experienced and all ..
I think it should be fun working in an advertising agency/group/company ..
Lots of exposure ..
Get to know more people who are related to what I am studying ..
Then at least I know what does the clients and etc wants ..
Hopefully I get to go through the 2nd and also 3rd interview and get the job ..
I don't want to stay and rot at home anymore .. T_T

Went to Mid Valley after the interview with Kree to eat ..
Then met Apan later ..
I bought a wallet for ChOuChOu ..
His wallet is making all the cards especially his ATM card crooked !
Then he will not be able to withdraw money from the ATM machine .. =(
Hopefully this wallet will keep his card from being bent everytime he sits down .. xP

0 Bla Bla Bla: