Deadline .. Too Soon ?

I had desktop publishing and creative strategy for advertising class today ..
The class wasn't that bad .. Except when I get to know all my deadlines for assignment ..
Desktop Publishing Assignment 1 due on the 5th week ..
How on earth am I going to come up with nice work in like .. 4 weeks ? (excluding this week)
In this assignment we were asked to create a 2009 calender design using architecture and landscapes ..
I still have no clue how my calendar is going to be like ..
My brain has stopped being creative and look for ideas for the past 3 months ..
I wonder if is still working fine .. @_@
I just hope that I don't pile up my work and do last minute work like last semester AGAIN ..
BUT I know I WILL do last minute work .. Why ?
Cause according to my tutor in Creative Strategy for Advertising ..
She told us that our ideas always come out at the very last minute ..
I TOTALLY agree with her !!
I mean .. it happens to me ALL the time !
So yeah .. Last minute work is a very common thing to me WHICH I don't want this semester !!

0 Bla Bla Bla: