Thirteen dot zero one dot two zero zero nine

Uni has already started for almost a week now ..
Honestly , I don't like my timetable this semester ..
So many 3 hours classes !
They expect their students to sleep in class or wat ?
And one more thing, on Thursdays and Saturdays I have to go for only ONE class in the afternoon and then head home ..
Can't they just put it in the morning or something ?
Sigh .. And me being the smart one planned to work on this Thursday and Saturday thinking that there were no tutorials .. SIGH ! How worst can this get ? I am suppose to work overtime on Saturday ! And thanks to the class I won't be able to work overtime ! BIG SIGH !!!
Anyways, before uni started I went and got my hair cut and dyed ..
Chou Chou was (and still is) making so much of noise saying that I cut it too short ..
Yah lah .. Too short lah .. But cut already mah .. what can I do wor ? :-(
Ever since class has started .. I kinda miss working .. and this Sunday, I am working with 6 trainee as opening staff .. UREE !! I NEED YOUR HELP !! :'(

Is not that short .. Right ?

0 Bla Bla Bla: