Uni Life is Back .... Soon ..

As stated above ..
It's gonna start next week ..
Can't imagine the amount of work that I am going to get this semester with almost all new lecturers ..
Oh ya .. and not forgetting my part time job at Chili's .. Sigh ..
I just hope I can cope with everything around me and manage to keep everything the way it is now ..
I'll just hope for the best and pray that my assignments will be easy ..
Which I hardly doubt it ..
Oh well .. At least there is another 2-3 weeks before the work load ..Bleh !
Can't wait for Friday and Saturday and also Sunday .. :P
Why ?
Friday = Shopping with Baby ..
Saturday = Cut and dye hair ..
Sunday = Wedding dinner at KL Tower ..
Haha .. At least I get to enjoy the last 3 days of my semester break :P

0 Bla Bla Bla: