To ChOu ChOu

At this time of last year you were far away from me, wishing that we were together to celebrate this special day of yours ..
At this time of the last year I still remember you told me you were happy with the present that has been given to you ..
At this time of last year I really thought that this day would never come ..
But it actually did ..
I am glad that you are a part of me now ..
Giving me laughter and joy ..
Not forgetting the tears that came out from us because of the fear of loosing each other ..
Not forgetting people who came in and out of our lives doing endless things ..
No matter what happens between us in the future, I always hope that you will be there for me ..
And together we will celebrate this special day of yours next year and many more years to come ..

Happy Birthday Baby ..

<3 you as always =)

2 Bla Bla Bla:


October 23, 2008 at 1:00 AM me geh~
unfair ><


October 24, 2008 at 1:46 PM

haha .. you no need me also ah .. =P